A comprehensive SDK for integrating with Smart Dev’s platform, available as a JavaScript/TypeScript library and a CLI tool.
Node.js Library
To install the SDK, use the following command:
npm install @smartdev/sdk
npm install -g @smartdev/sdk
Usage examples
Interact with a smart contract (Node.js)
import { config } from "dotenv"
import getSmartDev from "src"
const executeOnContractMethod = async () => {
const smartDev = await getSmartDev({
apiKeyId: process.env.SMART_DEV_API_KEY_ID as string,
apiKeySecret: process.env.SMART_DEV_API_KEY_SECRET as string,
try {
//! Attention hash can differ from the initial hash if the transaction is replaced
// We recommend waiting for the transaction to be mined in order to get the final hash
const tx = await smartDev.smartContracts.callContractMethod({
// Either walletId
walletId: "<wallet-id>",
// Or poolId
// poolId: "<pool-id>",
encryptionKey: process.env.SMART_DEV_ENCRYPTION_KEY as string,
smartContractId: "<smart-contract-id>",
method: "<method-name>",
if (tx.data.status === "error") {
// Wait for the transaction to be mined
const res = await tx.wait()
} catch (e) {
Get a transaction (CLI)
smart-dev smart-contracts get-transaction <transaction-id>
Encrypted Storage: We store only the encrypted version of your wallets. Your private keys are never stored in plain text.
No Encryption Secret Stored: The encryption secret is not stored by us. You must securely store your encryption key, as it is required to decrypt and access your wallets.
Important: If you lose your encryption key, you will not be able to retrieve your wallets. Ensure you store your encryption key in a safe and accessible location.